The Student Uniform for St Joseph's - St Joseph's Narrabeen

The Student Uniform for St Joseph’s

After many years, the St Joseph’s school uniform was updated in 2022. The year-round option is more modern and comfortable and covers all seasons. Here’s where you can find out everything about the fresh take on our uniform.

Why change our uniform?

The idea started because of a petition by one student for boys not to wear ties. This resulted in a quick decision by the newly formed uniform committee that ties and tabs (which were part of the girls’ uniform) would become optional.

It also prompted further conversation about the relevance, comfort and modernism of our uniform. Student feedback and broader statistics support a change from a more traditional uniform.

After looking at many options and considering a variety of angles, we landed on a new uniform option.

The new uniform:

Is a more climate relevant uniform

It is rare that our climate in NSW is cold enough to warrant a full winter choice. This allows for better options and temperature regulation. There will no longer be winter and summer uniforms – instead, a layering of options.

Is a flexible uniform

There are several key pieces to the uniform, which can be worn in whatever preference the student decides.

Is a more cost-effective uniform

Rather than purchasing two separate uniforms (winter and summer) the uniform will layer up for colder months and down for warmer times.

Is a more comfortable uniform

The students (especially the girls) expressed their want to comfortably run, play, sit and the new options support that.

Is a long transition process

There will be many years where the new and legacy (existing) uniforms are interspersed. This is to allow parents full use of legacy uniforms and maximise their existing cost outlay. As students outgrow or outwear the legacy uniform, they will be able to replace with the new one. Existing stock in our uniform supply company will be immediately replaced with the new option. No student will be penalised for continuing to wear the legacy uniform.

Is an option which supports our students in being independent.

Our legacy uniform often required parental help to fully get dressed, where the new uniform allows students to feel independent and confident in dressing themselves.


  • Students will wear a short sleeve blue shirt, navy blue shorts, navy blue long pants or culottes, navy socks or navy tights. There is also a dress (our summer dress) as an option, which can be worn year-round and layered up for warmth with jackets and tights/long socks.
  • There are two short sleeved shirts as options. Students may wear either one.
  • The polar fleece jacket remains the same – and can be worn if students are cold.
  • The sports uniform remains the same.
  • The existing uniform can be worn for as long as required while we phase in the new options.
  • There will no longer be winter and summer uniforms – just a layering of options.
  • Please note: In the photos below, the short sleeve shirt worn by the girls features a logo of a different school due to shipping delays in St Joseph’s specific stock. This logo will be replaced with our school emblem.

Uniform Options:

You can purchase uniforms online now at Midford 


Blue short sleeve shirt with embroidered school logo.
This is available in two styles. Current short sleeve shirt (traditionally worn by boys). New short sleeve shirt (traditionally worn by girls).

Please note: Due to a new supplier, the blue of the boys shirt will eventually more closely resemble the blue of the new girl’s shirt. We anticipate this happening by 2023. No change by parents will need to be made to accommodate this slight change.

Long sleeve blue shirt in winter (non-crested)

NEW: Navy blue shorts
There is a tailored option and a relaxed option.
These will replace current grey shorts.
Grey shorts (legacy uniform) can be worn for as long as required while this transition is finalised.

NEW: Navy culottes for girls

NEW: Navy blue long pants (optional)
There is a tailored option and a relaxed option.

EXISTING: Girls summer tunic
UPDATE: Once we had the chance to see the uniform in action and have some follow up talks at a P&F meeting, we have finalised the uniform and made a few tweaks. We’ve done this in collaboration with our uniform suppliers (at challenging supply times for them) and we are confident this is going to tick a lot of boxes for our students, families and future generations. The current SUMMER DRESS is also available as an ongoing option (that can be worn year round) for our students, should they prefer this as a choice.

Girls winter pinafore
This dress has now been discontinued, and will no longer be sold or available in the second-hand shop. If a student wishes to keep wearing an existing winter dress, you are welcome to during our extended transition period. You can also keep the long sleeve blue shirt and use this with our fresh options of culottes, long pants or shorts.

Sport uniform – sport polo
Microfibre trackpants
Sport shorts
Polar fleece zip jacket
Summer dress

Grey pants (long and short)
Girl’s winter pinafore


Q: I have a girl starting Kindy in 2024. What should I buy her?

A: You can buy her a summer dress – and we have both new and second-hand options available. You can also buy her the shorts (relaxed or tailored fit), culottes and/or long pants (relaxed or tailored fit), plus the current short sleeve shirt. Both will continue to be relevant options.

Q: My daughter is in Year 5 and has grown out of her summer dress. What should I buy her?
A: You can buy her a summer dress – and we have both new and second-hand options available. You can also buy her the shorts (relaxed or tailored fit), culottes and long pants (relaxed or tailored fit), plus the current short sleeve shirt. Both will continue to be relevant options.

Q: My son has loads of grey shorts – do I really have to waste them all and replace with blue ones?
A: No, you don’t. Your son can wear grey shorts for as long as you choose. When it comes time to buy new ones, you will then have the option to purchase navy shorts.

Q: I don’t want to buy a new winter uniform for my daughter when she still fits the one she has. Will she be the only student wearing it?
A: We anticipate a long crossover period as we take on the gentle transition of the new uniform and we support students wearing the uniform option they feel most comfortable with during this time.

Q: My son needs new shorts for the rest of Term 4 – what should I buy him?
A: You can now purchase the new blue shorts online via usual methods.

Q: Is this more expensive?
A: For the majority of parents, this will result in a significant saving of money.

Typically, girls have had to buy two full uniforms (winter and summer) and will now just buy one and layer up.

Typically, boys have had to buy two full uniforms (winter and summer) and now have the option to buy just one and layer up. 

Q: What can I do with my old winter uniform?
A: We are in the process of working out the best places to donate this. You can give this to the school for now, if you wish.

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