Broken Bay Catholic School Parents - St Joseph's Narrabeen

Broken Bay Catholic School Parents

Supporting the development of partnerships between home and school

Broken Bay Catholic School Parents (CSP) (formerly the Diocesan Parent Council) represents and provides opportunities to support the development of respectful and trusting partnerships between home, school and parish to all families in Catholic Schools in Broken Bay.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School  is part of the The Northern Beaches Cluster (formerly Peninsula Cluster) which stretches from Avalon in the north down the coast to Manly and inland to Forestville.

The CSP supports families through the provision of a diverse range of seminars held in our schools, parents are provided with up to date information on parenting issues such as anxiety, resilience, literacy, numeracy and children’s social and emotional development. Information about seminars can be found on the CSP website, and in the school’s newsletter.

For more information please click on the website: