Kindy Welcome Page - St Joseph's Narrabeen

Kindy Welcome Page

Welcome to Kindergarten!

This page is a handy place to find commonly used links, further details and information we refer to throughout the transition to school.

Before and After School Care

We typically have spaces available in our program, which is located on site – making the transition between school and Before and After School Care (BSC/ASC) a very smooth one.

We refer to BSC/ASC as OOSH – which means Outside Of School Hours care. Using the dedicated app, you can select if you’re after BSC or ASC. It’s simple to use, and you can make a permanent booking or casual bookings.

You can also book in for school holiday care.

The app is called My Family Lounge and it’s very easy to use. You can find out more here. 

You can find out more about OOSH here, including how to register. 


Find out more about OOSH (including registration)


In 2022 we launched a fresh take on our school uniform which has been very well received. We are in the process of gently transitioning out of the old uniform (for existing students), which explains why you might see a few different uniforms in the playground.

You can find out more about our uniform here.

Purchasing uniforms is simple – it’s done via our supplier Midford. Order online and it will be delivered to school – or in your case, to your home. If it’s not right, they’ll pick it back up and swap it over for you.

We will also have samples for you to check out sizing during transition.

Uniform information

School Social Media – @joeysnarrabeen

Grown-ups love seeing what their Joeys have been up to and the school’s social sites are a great way to do that.

You can follow our school’s Facebook page here or use this QR code.

We will also have a private Kindy 2025 Facebook group dedicated specifically to you. It is a really useful place for information, tips and advice and ways you can best support your Joey as they get ready for “big school”. We will send you the link to the page soon. (Note: Only parents of enrolled students will be accepted).

We have an Instagram account, which showcases life at St Joseph’s through the eyes of our students. You can follow us here.

Finally, we have a Vimeo account, where we regularly post highlight videos. You can check it out here. 

Parent Handbook

Our Parent Handbook covers all sorts of school information like start and finish times, policies and procedures. It is updated at the start of every school year.

Parent Handbook

Paying for things at School

We are largely cashless at school, so everything is done electronically, either BPAY or using an app called QKR. It links directly to your preferred pay system.

You can pay your school fees via BPAY (preferred method) or in person in the office via EFTPOS.

You can pay for special activities and so on using QKR.

QKR Information

School pick up and drop off

School finishes at 3.05pm. We have a Kiss n’ Ride area and you are also welcome to come into the grounds and wait at the basketball court for your students to meet you,

The school is supervised from 8.30am, please make use of OOSH before that time. Students can arrive, hang up their bags and play until assembly at 9.00am.

Kindy 2025 Teacher

Our Kindy teacher is Miss Tegan Greig (pictured). 

School Buses – Student Opal Card

If your Joey will be catching the bus, you can apply for a Student Opal Card from Transport NSW.

Applications for 2023 open during Term 4 (later in the year).

When selecting the bus operator, choose either:

  • Keolis Downer Northern Beaches (this is the new company who have taken over State Transit Buses on the Northern Beaches)
  • Forest Coach Lines

Transition Mornings

Our 2025 Transition Mornings will be held from 9.15am-10.45am on these dates:

Wednesday October 30
Wednesday November 6
Wednesday November 13

These are attended by your Joey and yourself. We’ll share more specifically what you can expect, closer to the date.


Keen to embrace the excitement (and convenience) of a lunch order? You can find out how to order right here.