Class of 2020: Year 6 Graduates - St Joseph's Narrabeen

Class of 2020: Year 6 Graduates

“Through it all, one thing stayed the same – that we had each other to lean on.”

To our graduating Year 6 class – congratulations. Thank you for your enthusiasm, kindness and leadership. We know you will head into the future ready to tackle your biggest dreams… and we are so proud of you all.

We started as strangers.
A group of little kids with big dreams.
Coming together – to learn, to laugh, to try.
There were times we struggled
And times we really shone.
We learned that just because you couldn’t do something the first time
Didn’t mean you should ever give up
We had some truly amazing adventures
And met teachers that helped shaped our ideas into reality
We tackled change
We danced like everyone was watching
And we helped other little kids with their big dreams too
Through it all, one thing stayed the same
That we had each other to lean on.
As we head towards our future
We will each take a different path
None of us know where that path will lead
What we do know, is that we will always have friends to walk with
To share our goals, our fears, our plans and our hopes
And that future of ours, is shining bright.

en English