Uniform Purchasing - Midford - St Joseph's Narrabeen

Uniform Purchasing – Midford

At St Joseph’s we proudly wear our school uniform 

Our uniform has recently been updated. You can find out more about this right here. 

We have a very flexible, comfortable, climate-relevant student uniform that we believe allows our students to play, learn and grow as happily as possible.

Our uniforms are supplied by Midford (formerly Cowan & Lewis), and can be purchased online at their store here.

Hover over the SCHOOL SHOPS ONLINE link and look for the St Joseph’s Primary School logo.

Uniforms can also be purchased from their retail store at 1315 Pacific Highway, Turramurra.

Items purchased online can be delivered to school (free of charge) or to a home address for an additional postage charge.  Items shipped to school will be sent home with your child.

Returns/Refunds can be arranged by completing the Exchange Form below and returning the to the school office with your clothing to be exchanged.  Please attached the exchange/return form to the packaging of the item you are returning (in a bag).  The replacement item will be delivered to the school office on the next delivery day.

Midford Online Store St Joseph's Primary School Uniform Catalogue Online Ordering Instructions - Midford Exchange / Refund Form - Midford

Second Hand School Uniform Shop – How does it work?

We have limited stock in our second hand uniform shop.  All items have been donated by other families in our school community, however we do not have every item and every size.  All money received in the second hand uniform shop goes directly into our P&F account.  Items (freshly washed and in good condition) for donation can be left at the school office with Kerrie.  With the transitioning in of our new uniform, we no longer accept donations of grey shorts/trousers, or winter tunics.

How to purchase:

  • Please contact Renata via text on 0401 173 445 advising the item you require.
  • Stock is checked and, if available, your order will be sent home via your child.
  • If you are happy with your order you can then make payment through Qkr.
  • DO NOT make payment until you have received an item you wish to keep.
  • If you do not wish to keep the item/s, please return item/s to the school office via your child.